Sisters from afar.

As I write this, it is Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, this afternoon I was moving some items around to organize them in my spare room closet when I decided to look through a box of old photos.

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A journey thru motherhood

This past weekend I drove to Phoenix to visit my adult daughter Courtney, it had been almost a year since I had gotten to see her in person. Weekly zoom calls, while a great replacement had just not been the way I wanted to be with her on her birthday!

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Giving Myself a Pass

I have sat down to write this blog several times in the last week and I just can’t get it out, each time I have ended up writing about the changes that I have going on in my life that are beyond hard, beyond emotional and freaking heart breaking and I end up in tears and knowing that I am still processing it all in a way that I just can’t seem to get out just yet.

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All of my life I have been too busy. Too busy to notice that I had a choice in my busyness. I had instead gotten on a conveyor belt of “I have to’s” and “I should do’s,” showing up at the airport each week fully packed out of a rote set of tasks that I no longer had to even think about, I just did.

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