Sisters from afar.

As I write this, it is Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, this afternoon I was moving some items around to organize them in my spare room closet when I decided to look through a box of old photos.

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How fluid is your perception?

If you have been following me for a while now, you know that I have been studying Shamanism for about 15 years now. One of the concepts you learn about in Shamanism is the concept that we each have an Assemblage Point. Our assemblage point is the point on our body where we are connected to all that is in the universe and it is the place where we assemble our perception, our view of the world from.

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How are you? I really want to know.

Have you ever been with someone and they asked you the question “How are you?” and you begin to answer, honestly, truthfully, putting it all out on the table, only to notice their discomfort or even their attention subtly or perhaps not so subtly shift away from the conversation?

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