Give me a break!

It is Sunday morning; the alarm goes off at 6:30am. Yes, on purpose. At 8am I have my bi-weekly Lifebook accountability group meeting. You see, three years ago now, I went through the Lifebook program which has you build a book that represents your vision and strategy for twelve key areas of life and then…

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Dreams, Doors & Decisions

The day before had been my birthday. My dad and I had spoken about him going into hospice care and yet this morning, a different door opened. You see, since I was a small child and heard my great grandfather speaking French and speaking about his homeland, I had this fantasy of living there, of…

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Being Present in Another Loss

It was my birthday and my father’s name popped up on my phone. I was on a zoom call with friends at the time we were all booking flights for a trip this summer to Tonga. I thought I would call him right back since we were almost done but when he called again a…

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The Retreat

As the end of 2023 approached, I knew I needed a reset. I knew I needed to step back and re-evaluate my life, re-evaluate me. I felt like 2023 had beat me to a pulp and I wanted to do some self-care and prepare to go into 2024 differently. I wanted to leave behind some…

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Relating in Death

I was sound asleep, so cozy and comfortable. As I began to awaken, I felt him next to me. He was spooning me as he usually did. I felt his skin against my skin, I felt this electric current running between us. As my brain began to awaken more and I came into full consciousness,…

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Beginning Again

How do you begin again when just about the worst possible thing in your life has occurred? How do you go on again? How do you even continue to breathe, let alone even consider the possibility of being joyful again? These questions are flooding my thoughts and I have no answers. I try to focus…

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Last Sunday I set out on a walk to the ferry near my apartment. My plan was to take the ferry to Coronado Island and walk to pick something up from my pharmacy and return home. It would get me out and get me exercise which always lifts my mood. It was early, only three…

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It Matters

Last Saturday I was driving home from the gym, down the freeway, music playing and tumbling thoughts in my head. I had listened to a podcast earlier in the day that was speaking to men’s empowerment and that podcast was talking about how college educated women don’t date men without a college education. That question…

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What a summer love taught me

What I learned during a summer of love… I have had a summer of love. I remember summers of love as a teenager, meeting someone new at the beginning of the summer, diving in deep to all those yummy feelings that come with the discovery of knowing someone and allowing them to know you. As…

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