Unconditional Love

Thirteen years ago, as I was completing my journey through the Medicine Wheel (an over yearlong transformational process that teaches the tenants of Shamanism in the Q’ero tradition of the Andes), I was also embarking upon the adventure of a new relationship. During the Medicine Wheel training I had learned of the Quechua (pronounced keCHwa) word Munay (pronounced MoonEye), the word Munay translates as “love and will”. This word and its meaning were introduced to me as the concept of Unconditional Love.

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Right Relationship

Quechua (pronounced keCHwa) is the name given to the language of South American Indians living in the Andean highlands from Ecuador to Bolivia. In Quechua there is a word, Ayni (pronounced Aini). Roughly translated means “today for you, tomorrow for me”. Ayni is the concept of being in reciprocity or what I like to think of as right relationship.

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Knowing Your Mission, Talents & Gifts

For decades and decades, I found myself chasing one single question, what was my soul’s mission? What was my own reason for being here on earth?  I can tell you that that question led me to explore many religious teachings, go on pilgrimages, attend self-development workshops and it led to the purchase of way more books than I would like to admit.

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Knowing Your Inner Truth Teller

Recently I had come up with the tag line for my website and my logo, Wisdom Empowered Life. In the process of coming up with that line I had done a fair bit of soul searching. What was it exactly that I wanted to bring into the world? How am I being called to be in service? That searching helped me to align on my mission to help people develop a relationship with their own inner knowing, their inner truth teller and lead a wisdom empowered life from that place of knowing.

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