Choosing a dream!
Finally deciding to go after your dreams is not for the faint of heart. In March, I dove in head first to the path that through a series of synchronicities laid itself out in front of me. My dream is to immigrate to France, to live there and possibly one day have citizenship.
In those initial steps there was a part of me that at each step kept waiting for something to go wrong, for something to reel me back in and agree with the punitive voice in my head that wants me to believe that while other people get to follow their dreams, that is not available to me, no matter how much I might want it.
I decided not to listen to that voice but to challenge it. If I am not meant to do this then at some step in the process, I will be stopped was the argument I made to that voice. I dove into each step, making my monthly project plan with big sticky notes one for each month of everything that I would need to accomplish. Building my French business plan was the first step, I dove into this in late March. By April the business documentation was ready, and I shifted into gathering all of the other documents to complete the visa application.
Then I decided to move out of my apartment early. To be nomadic, for this summer. This meant that for me, May became the month of getting rid of as many things as possible. Deciding what would go to France now and what would eventually go later and then the rest I needed to get rid of. This process was an immediate lesson in the emotional attachment to things. The things that I had acquired in these last few years didn’t mean as much to me, the things that I had acquired during the travels with my beloved I knew I was not at all ready to depart with and likely never would be which was okay.
When I started this process, I assumed that most of my things were going to go into storage at least for this first year of living abroad. At the time I told myself, that way if I was not happy, I still have everything and can just come back and pick up where I left off. Then I decided one day to offer a few furniture items to my ladies’ group and when they responded so positively, I got to feel what it was like to give something. Like my sofa to a dear friend who needed a new sofa for her office because she had always dreamt of having a white sofa, it just felt good to give that to her. That started me on a journey of offering way more things to those that I care about, if they needed it, if it could help them in some way, it felt good to give it along. Because of this process at the end of May I was able to move out of my apartment with 8 big plastic tubs of items going into storage. Those tubs will eventually make their way to France. A few boxes in storage that I just had to give myself some grace around that I was not ready to decide whether they would go to France or be given away. I then moved into an Airbnb with 3 suitcases, Paolo and all of his things.
The first day in the Airbnb, I suddenly felt like the process that I had just completed downsizing everything needed to begin again but now I was in one third of my previous space, it was all helping me to downsize even further to be ready to be truly nomadic by the time I leave the US (August) which by the time of this publishing is done but more to come on that.
I was on plan with all tasks complete and while I still had a lot to do before I left, I was ready, I had my plan, and I was working my plan.
At the beginning of June, I flew to Washington DC where I had my visa interview and turned over my dossier to substantiate that I knew what I am doing to start a business in France and if that business didn’t work for some reason that I could support myself and not be a drain on the French system.
I then shifted my focus to the plan I would need to take when I landed in France, a path to build a new life consciously, and how I will need to push myself to integrate into French society and culture. I don’t want to take my American life and shift it to France; I wish to create a new French life that I design just for me.

Two days after I flew back from DC having left my dossier and my passport to be processed at the French consulate, I began to receive text updates of my application being in process. Each morning, I would wake up and immediately grab my phone, sitting on the edge of my seat with each update. A week after my appointment I received the update that my application was complete, and I had a package on its way back to me with my passport in it. You don’t get to know the outcome until you get your passport back and open it. I guess the French like to surprise you.
One year to the exact day and at almost the exact hour that I found out that my beloved had died I got the message that my passport package was ready for pick up at my mailbox. I took the dog with me and drove to the mailbox. I was shaking during that drive, terrified that I would make a mistake and get in an accident, I didn’t want anything to prevent me from getting that package.
I was handed the package at my mailbox and took it back out to the car; I think Paolo thought I was losing my mind. I wrestled the envelope with shaking hands; opening the outside envelope only to find another envelope on the inside. Finally, through two envelopes, I reached in and pulled out my passport, there was a yellow receipt stuck in a middle page, I opened it, and the receipt was a copy of the receipt that I had been given on the day of my interview but the page that it was holding on one page was laminated my visa. My visa, valid for one year and on the opposite page a note starting out “Welcome to France”, reading those words, I burst into tears. My dream is coming true. Every time I read those words they make me cry; it is just so emotional to know that this is something that I have wanted since I was a kid. Dreams can come true if you choose them. I felt like my beloved had helped this process from the other side, knowing how far I had come from the devastating news of a year earlier to this moment, having my dream become a reality.
Here are a few questions for you to take to your favorite journal, walk in nature or morning shower.
- What do you dream of doing?
- When you think about your dreams, what is the argument that pops into your head of why you can’t do that or don’t do that?
- If you never actively choose that dream, how do you think you will feel about it at your death?
I blog because I love the process of pondering my experiences, questioning myself, uncovering new layers, identifying the lessons along the way even in the struggles. If you want to question yourself, then subscribing to my email list will ensure you have an opportunity to do that. I blog about once a month so you will not receive a ton of emails from me, only what I hope to be the best questions that we can ask ourselves to move our life toward our dreams each day.
In love,
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The dreamer giver is writing your story with you ! Congratulations! The special boxes in storage for me stay in storage , there is so much we don’t need but an anchor can keep you safe in a storm 😀 you are motivating me to go through my new junk 😂 blessings to you ❤️
So proud of you Renee. I am honored to have been a small part of kickstarting this idea of moving to France. Please keep the updates coming. 😘❤️