The Retreat
As the end of 2023 approached, I knew I needed a reset. I knew I needed to step back and re-evaluate my life, re-evaluate me. I felt like 2023 had beat me to a pulp and I wanted to do some self-care and prepare to go into 2024 differently. I wanted to leave behind some…
Read MoreRelating in Death
I was sound asleep, so cozy and comfortable. As I began to awaken, I felt him next to me. He was spooning me as he usually did. I felt his skin against my skin, I felt this electric current running between us. As my brain began to awaken more and I came into full consciousness,…
Read MoreBeginning Again
How do you begin again when just about the worst possible thing in your life has occurred? How do you go on again? How do you even continue to breathe, let alone even consider the possibility of being joyful again? These questions are flooding my thoughts and I have no answers. I try to focus…
Read MoreI need to stop!
A few weeks ago, I had a few odd circumstances come into my life, it felt like I was attracting some bad energy or something. I decided at that time that I needed a reset, I wanted to pull myself off the internet to the extent possible, I wanted to stop doing things just because…
Read MoreDecisions & Assumptions
About three years ago, I was introduced to Human Design, at the time I was looking to understand more about me. I guess I thought at the time that by understanding more about myself I would understand what had gotten me to this point in my life where I had needed to blow it all…
Read MoreThe Stories We Tell Ourselves
My soul sister’s text appeared on my phone. “I am having microblading done, someone I know told me that it hurts. Send thoughts and prayers for me, I am scared.” My reply, “I had it done, it didn’t hurt at all. It doesn’t have to hurt unless you want it to.” Someone I love very…
Read MoreConnection
A few weeks ago, I was having dinner with my beautiful soul sisters / friends that I have met in San Diego since the world has re-opened. This group of women have varied backgrounds and experiences as we all do but the one thing that we all have in common is that we are all…
Read MoreChoosing Love
It’s February, the month that we commercially celebrate romantic love. While personally I believe that love should be celebrated every day in all its wonderful aspects, love is also something that is very much in my awareness these days. I have found myself in deep contemplation about the loving relationships that I have had in…
Read MoreClosure
In the last six months my father’s health has begun to decline, nothing imminent but enough to bring it to my awareness that we have more days behind us than in front of us. In August I went to see him for several days. I went wanting to make sure that I could have a…
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