I Believe…

I believe in rocking chairs & afternoon naps.

I believe in red roses being a message of passionate love.

I believe in days at the beach and floating on the ocean while making a story up on the shapes of clouds.

I believe in health care for all and life is to be lived without struggle.

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In My Reality

I believe that we call people into our lives. Sometimes people show up and you feel a pull toward them, and you aren’t sure what that is all about but if you stay connected to yourself and honor that pull it will most often surprise you.

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What Really Matters?

Joy matters.

My children matter.

Love matters.

Our ability to care for each other matters.

Food on the table matters.

A roof over our heads matters.

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Questioning Last Week

Last week I was getting to know my kitchen again after years of only visiting to make coffee and weekend breakfasts. I spilled something on the counter and just like the commercials have told us to do, I reached for the roll of paper towel, but I stopped short, somehow that roll of paper towel now seemed extravagant, like an unnecessary luxury. I grabbed for a sponge instead wiping up the spill and rinsing it back out again. Last week, I stopped using paper towel altogether.

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Finding Ease

Last night I was messaging back and forth with a friend on Facebook. We were talking about how crazy things had become, he was planning to try a Costco run this morning. I told him that I had tried on Friday and couldn’t get within two blocks of the place, the roads were clogged with cars. I decided there wasn’t anything I needed that badly.

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Renee-Jenais-Why Blog

Why Blog?

In such a noisy time in the world, when bits and bytes and words are created by the billions in every second of every moment of every day, why start a blog now? The real answer to this question is because I want to. I have found a powerful process in writing and even beyond that, what makes this process more profound is to read my writing to others and have those words witnessed.

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